Mobile friendly wordpress site: Tips and suggestions

Mobile devices today has become desktops because most of the people access internet using mobiles, which in old days were desktops.

It was obvious, the functionality of mobility has made mobile devices priority over desktops.

Everyone is using mobile devices for accessing internet, shopping, sending mails etc.

With such level of utilization of mobile devices, it makes mandatory for websites to be mobile friendly too.

In this post we will discuss mobile optimization for WordPress sites. Some of the optimization tips are:

Responsive theme: Responsive theme are specifically designed for viewing on mobile and desktop devices. In WordPress theme directory, all the themes are responsive, that means you can choose any theme and test it according to your need and specification.

Responsive themes are available for every type of website type.

Choose modules wisely: Modules are the elements of the website which have some functionality.

It is not possible to show-up every element from desktop to mobile devices. Some devices may display it correctly, but some may break functionality of the site.

One of the most common module is of live chat. Live chat allows website visitors to chat directly to a representative and get knowledge about product or service.

So before going live, choose what you want to display on mobile devices and desktops.

Implement AMP: AMP is Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is highly optimized page for viewing on mobile devices. There are several AMP plugins for WordPress available on WordPress plugin directory where you can choose a plugin for using AMP on your site.

Implementing AMP on WordPress website has another benefit. AMP enabled websites get a plus factor while ranking in SERP. This benefit is specially while searching on mobile devices. This can leave huge impact on search traffic

These are some tips and suggestions for a mobile friendly WordPress site.