3 Tips to keep your wordpress website healthy

Website health is an important factor if you want your website to compete and survive for long term. Most of the webmasters concentrate upon how their site is doing in terms of rankings, traffic and leads but very few are concentrating upon their website’s health.

In this post we will discuss 5 tips which will help your wordpress website stay healthy. It basically include tips regarding maintenance wordpress of site.

  1. Update, Update and Update
    Keep updating your wordpress site if you want it to run smoothly. Updated version of core, themes and plugin ensure proper functioning of the site, some bug fixes and performance tweaks. With time, installed theme and plugins begin to fall incompatible and vulnerable to hacks.
    Along with vulnerability , website’s performance starts to degrade, which is more dangerous because visitors have to face underperforming site while visiting. This can also ruin your site’s reputation.

  2. Keep checking Website Speed
    Website speed is a big factor which determine whether your visitors will stay on the site or will leave.
    As I mentioned in above point about website performance, website speed is one of the factor which can tell about your website performance. Slow website can rise many assumptions about the reason causing it. It can be your server’s health, or big size files on the server or it can be the visitor load.
    Reasons can be many, testing website’s speed on regular intervals can help you determine health of your website.

  3. Database Cleanup
    Wordpress is database driven. Database can be said as the heart of a wordpress site. Just like human heart, if the database has junk data in it, it cannot perform at its best. Junk values are the garbage values which accumulate in wordpress database with time.
    These values have to be removed from the database so that the blockage opens up and start performing at its best.
    You can use database cleanup plugin like advanced database cleaner plugin to clean up garbage from your database and keep it healthy.

These are the three tips which can help you keep your wordpress website healthy.